Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rest Impediments

Public Domain

The voice is time draining
its remains through caustic
enclosures, cataclysmic rhythms
raining down god-like structure
on intransigent position
recording its internal dialog
with a well-formed void of spirit
in reeling space

The gray glow outside
casts a hollow sheen surreal
quaking overturned buds kicked off
the tops outstretched and clinched unflowered
spread about the staggered steps
among the ransom’s reason
brought out of solitude unresting
in space invaded

The immediacy in closed eye
fields magnified beyond infernal
periphery pervasive enveloping the voice
piercing the slack surfacing
the perimeter of your person
bridging the barriers of renewal
cross-flowing numb tension
in rest impediments

The words in transposition
line their attack feigning indignity
of the speakers’ holy position within
audible patterns and pieces intersecting      
rims and casings within visions
colored by meters of moments and mileage
unmarked in their distance remaining

Matt Mauldin
Santa Barbara, CA

Appearing in Patterns of Reconciliation

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