Friday, October 27, 2017

Wax Casting

Your voice pleading,
heaving on the other end of the line,
sucking up the air between
this episode and the tension you've razed

A tic away,
the disorder, books are strewn about the floor,
scissors in hand, inanimate objects lying
in defense of gravity

Everyone pleads,
their voices pitched across octaves and back,
with contingencies against what hope
remains lost

Cleaving the plot
into an idyll manor and scorching charred frame,
disparate parts seem unable to be made whole
in their defense

Scavenge in grasp,
we circle the pattern, elevating twisting symbols alight,
carelessly shifting away the calm of containment
into craft dysfunction

Gritting teeth through
the fallen hours on the other end of the line,
unable to signal motion ending
as if it never began

Matt Mauldin
Santa Barbara, CA

First appearing in Event Horizon Magazine

Issue 3

Saturday, October 21, 2017


           The moon tonight
a small sliver of the sky, mournfully
mounting an end of the day’s
funeral song

            Whispered through wires
connecting radio speakers to God’s ears
humming below audible bounds
subterranean distraction drones

recovering daylight hours shine,
their shadows lurching out of morning’s
disjointed colors through surreal filters

            Cold settling
congealed solid particles bonded grief
stabilized in solution, isolated impurities pull
through resolve’s uneasy impact

            Throes ingested
they magnify all hope swayed into favor,
bleak yet brimming in consciousness
terminal drift cum obligation

            Tidal decay
movement en masse measured in sediments’
malignant and parched encroachment
carved through archaic frozen fortresses

Matt Mauldin
Santa Barbara, CA

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Our wavelengths
jagged lines to frame
crucial axis
Points in cold fusion
divvied out
tension ‘cross intersecting minutes
Scattered foliage dissolves
wistful and crisp,
borne of shadows

Pale feedback loop
carving the course
we walk, divergent interests
in some form - boilerplate
confined in the waning
spaces drawn off,
driven throughout
its dissolution

Sucking sounds,
drying finish
deadened in its hands,
in flesh arisen,
a ballast in regulation
of damnation’s determinate
flow, seepage muddled
in the surface
sinking aground
wrapped asphyxiation

Matt Mauldin
Santa Barbara, CA

Thursday, October 5, 2017


This mortal assignment
drawn from images entrapped with time
lapses, like tin pan layers 
snapping back in blinding retreat
of a tape measure 

From distance a mind's eye 
only sees the black-lined quarter reaches
The edges of space determine
the depth to which the air can breathe -
it's happening in real time

The interest of reverence 
determines the full range this hollow bow
can chart fulfillment from
tacit understanding of the sacred ordained 
arrangement of order

Come forth from the space
craved and carved and created to covet
one's silken steely skin hardened,
lined with firm twine tension imprints,
binding the circulation

Blinding the movement of days
or the arrangements of isles owning
the differences, built out lifetimes
of knowing or not knowing how to fasten
a stake in opposing fields of wisdom

Matt Mauldin
Santa Barbara, CA

First appearing in Event Horizon Magazine

Issue 3